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My pregnancy so far.

So I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and loving it! Every day I become a little more excited at the realization I am going to be a mummy. Even seeing baby posts, which I see often, will get me thinking about what kind of parent I want to be… places I want to go with my little one and above all the day I will hopefully get to meet my baby.

I say hopefully as I have had a couple scares (men now is the time to skip a paragraph if you can not stand ‘lady talk’). At 6 weeks I attended the early pregnancy unit, I was bleeding. This was not a great experience, although the ladies at the appointment could not have been nicer. Firstly I had to have a trans-vaginal scan as the ultra scan could not pick up on ‘blober’ as it was too early. LUCKILY little one had a strong heart beat going (although very alien in appearance) but this was a very uncomfortable process.

6 weeks scan

My second scare was recent, at 11 weeks I went back to the early pregnancy unit at the hospital for bleeding also. Baby is again fine and this was a beautiful experience, no metal prob moving inside of me, quickly an ultra scan confirmed my little baby is more than ok. The little baby was doing back flips and waving- it was so beautiful and I am gutted Remo (partner) was unable to be there due to the short notice of the appointment and being at work.

11 weeks scan

Now I am eagerly waiting for Tuesday (19/12/17) for my dating scan to find out exactly when I should be expecting this little bundle of joy and how much longer I will be able to sleep through the night undisturbed!!

Thanks for reading xoxo.


Mummy to be, first time, & student.

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